Follow these steps in order to achieve the Topaz Standard:
STEP 1 /
Take two bucket with grit guards, fill them both up with warm water and mix in 2-4 capfuls of Luxury Shampoo to one of the bucket.
STEP 2 /
Rinse the car if necessary to remove loose dirt.
STEP 3 /
Take a microfibre or lambswool wash mitt and place it in the shampoo bucket.
STEP 4 /
Shampoo the car in straight lines, starting with the roof and working down. Rinse the mitt in the second bucket, and then the shampoo bucket between panels.
STEP 5 /
Use a second wash mitt for the lower parts of the car, if necessary, to prevent paint defects.
STEP 6 /
Carefully rinse the shampoo away, and dry with the Topaz Deep Pile Microfibre Drying Towel.