Bug Remover

Topaz Bug remover is pH-balanced to safely loosen and effectively remove insect splats from paintwork, including PPF with ease. It can also be used to tackle bird droppings.

Follow these easy steps to achieve the Topaz Standard: 

STEP 1 /
Spray liberally on the affected areas and allow them to dwell for a few minutes but do not allow to dry.

STEP 2 /
Rinse with the pressure washer thoroughly and repeat the process if required. 

STEP 3 /
In the scenario of bird droppings, remove the dropping as soon as it lands on the paintwork. 

STEP 4 /
Spray 'Bug Remover' to soften the dropping and jet wash liberally, this product will not work on dropping that has etched the paintwork. 

NOTE: Before proceeding with treating the affected area please test the product on the inconspicuous area.

Check out the video!